Dynaco Stereo 120

I was looking through the for sale pages of a website and came across the images of the insides of a Dynaco Stereo 120

It was evident that a winding around the capacitor was done, does anyone know why?
Is it an electromagnet that has been wound, or simply to introduce inductance, is this an old lost technique?

I am curious, and figured someone in Agon might know?
Thanks, I'd never seen it done before, quite ingenious way to filter the output like that. I suppose it's a technique used for a long time? It's new to me.

@oldhvymec - not sure of the lipstick comment, but yeah when I saw it I thought it looked both aftermarket and neat. Clever stuff to be sure.
I agree with @oldhvymec.  The one I built in the late 70s didn’t have the same, how should I say it, precision in its final build. Was a fun project.
You know, all paint and no parts, kind of stuff, Mrs Piggy, and Kerman the frog.  LOL Lipstick on a pig, is still lipstick on a pig..

That is a nice job.. No sales, slickum' :-)

I've seen a few guys look at something, move a thing or two and the whole thing cleans up.

I'm working on a 3 Carys a little bit at a time.. Talk about a factory mess.

I'm almost to the point of rip and replace. I have 5 or 6 wires and some turret boards left.. Sure sound good took 6 months of chasing a sound, and swapping parts, now to clean it the rest of the way up. I actually feel like it..

One of my favorites is the HK Citation I and II. I've seen those done and looked like art work inside. Carver and Decware are over the top too, Decware even more so, I owned a pair of 60s, PURE ART..

I just read a review on this amplifier and it read pretty well. I don't suppose either of you have heard one?

I purchased an amplifier and I know that somewhere down the road, probably after I've finished paying off the mortgage, I'll be looking again.
I usa an Akitika GT102 on my woofers, designed by Dan Joffe of updatemydynaco.com, an aerospace engineer and musician from Huntsville, AL
who is devoted to all things Hafler, pre- Hafler, and post vacuum tubes, that is.  It too uses the wire wound around the cap technique as in the ST80 and ST120.