Tidal MQA vs Qobuz hi-res

My brief experience.. for posterity.

Comparing Tidal MQA to Qobuz hi-res, you -will- hear degredation/loss in the high frequencies (violins in an orchestra etc) on MQA... assuming you have reasonably resolving equipment. For me, that’s Macbook USB to a $150 Audio Engine D1 DAC going to a $600 used Parasound A23 going to used $600 Kef LS50’s, $100 Transparent speaker cables and cheap USB and RCA cables.

The Audio Engine is surprisingly good for it’s price BTW. Over the years, trying different DACs in audio stores when I had an opportunity, I feel like you’d need to spend close to $1,000 to get something significantly better.

The A23 and LS50’s are really good too for today’s used prices. New, they would’ve been $2,500 a few years go

I didn’t even know that MQA is a compressed file until I listened to it. When I tried MQA playback on Tidal, I thought there was a problem with my setup. I’ll probably try hard wiring Qobuz once I get my Bryston. 
When you get a good system you will hear a difference. Right now, you won’t hear any difference between cables either. I saw you got a new Hegel, that’s a start on building a decent system.
Not sure if your equipment is doing all the unfolds for MQA?  Personally I’m happy with Qobuz and won’t let MQA dictate what DAC I can buy.  Tidal can pound sand for all I care.