Msb dacs why not alot of postings

These are vonsifered the best out i wrong ?
the Brit rags are famous for supporting Brit gear first, euro gear second and then the unwashed colonials last.

True most of the time I noticed, but they did give this rare (outside the US) discrete R2R battery powered one a "good rap", with a stiff upper lip still, I’ve listened to it and it sound much better than they ever so slightly reluctantly say.

Cheers George
I have not heard an MSB or Lampizator DAC.  There are a substantial positive reviews of the Lampizator's top $17.500 and $25,000 DACs that are considered the most musical.  I've heard some DCS stacks in high end but not good sounding systems so that wasn't good (I attribute the mediocre sound to the cabling and speakers of those systems).  My own DAC is one I can afford, the COS Engineering D2+ at $5K.  Maybe in another 5 years it will be bettered at about the same price.  Can someone compare the MSB to the Lampizators?
I was eyeing the MSB Analog a while back. The problem is within that range dacs like the Rockna Wavedream, or even the recent Wavelight have received a lot of accolades, and are more modern. Or Chord Dave for instance. Or the Mola Mola Tambaqui, and the recent Holo Audio May which measure just about perfectly. So it’s like having a non delta-sigma dac and with the peace of mind that they also measure extremely well. Comparatively the MSB Analog is a pretty old design by this point. I am sure it sounds good however. The issue is the value proposition has increased a lot with many of the newer r2r and hybrid dacs.
MSB Analog is an old, previous model. Not current. For current MSB models visit their website @nitesomething