Aegir upgrade to Pass...maybe

I have had a Schiit Aegir for about a year now. I drive quite efficient Crites loudspeakers. I am thinking of getting an amp with a little more power. The following are my leanings.
Pass LabsXA25
Pass Labs XA30.8
Benchmark AHB2
I think the XA25 will be a good choice but wondered about the XA30.8. Somewhere I read that the XA25 actually sounds better than the 30.8. The 30.8 is monstrous at 94 lbs.

Also, I see high ratings for Benchmark. Does this sound like Class A, A/B or D? The reviews say really detailed and accurate but it is definitely different than the Schiit or Pass Amps. Plenty of power for my system for sure.

Thanks for your opinions and suggestions in advance.
I am hoping to keep this purchase at about $4000 or less.

I listen to all kinds of music.  I do turn up the electronic music.  Otherwise I listen to music at what I believe is the volume you would hear if the person or band was playing in front of you. 

I guess my main driver for change would would be that the Pass Labs, etc would just have better build quality and sound.  My Aegir is no slouch with great cost to performance and a 5 yr warranty. 

Back in the day, there was a Luxman dealer about 2 miles from here for example.  Now we have one dealer. 

I don't really want to mess with tubes unless I end up with 2 amps to swap around for fun. 

I think Luxman would be a top choice but am not familiar with their model numbers.  A Luxman purchase would have to be used I think and would only need a power amp.  I would buy the 900U in a heartbeat if I had the cash.

Valvet is on the home page here and I read about it briefly.  Interesting.

Pass Labs just seems to be a really reliable brand with several dealers. 

Sugden sounds like a great brand but I could only find one dealer in the US??
Thank you for suggestions folks.