Any recommendations for aftermarket C-7 power cord for Bluesound Node 2i

Looking for help on finding a better sounding C-7 power cord for my Node.  I have read about Audioquest, Pangea, Cullen, Shunyata, etc.  I have even looked at making my own.  Any suggestions or experience with good C-7 cords would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Another vote for Patrick Cullen and his C7 - I run it into my Apple TV 4K - well priced, nicely finished, very professional to deal with
I installed the Wireworld Aurora mini on my Node 2i and am very pleased after 4 hours of listening.

Lower noise floor, so better audibility of the quietest parts of the music. Even things like the mechanical noises of piano pedals. I can hear the tube noise in some older recordings that was not previously audible.

Cleaner reproduction of all frequencies and better separation of instruments.

Very impressive improvement in bass definition and low end extension.

The C7 connector is not polarized, so you can plug it into the Node two different ways. I found a big difference in the sound of the two directions.

I'll report back if there are any changes after a week or so of use.

Thanks for your post. Are you using it’s internal DAC or an external DAC with your Node 2i?  

I'm using a Yggdrasil external DAC connected with a Mogami 2964 coaxial cable and an iFi SPDIF iPurifier with UltraCap™ LPS-1 power supply.
I’m using the iFi SPDIF iPurifier as well between Node2i and dac. I have an upgraded Swagman Labs LPS and the sound from the streamer is so much better than a stock Node. Spacious soundstage, black background, more detail with smoothness in the highs.
A very worthwhile upgrade in addition to an aftermarket C7.