Is a captured good tonearm cable better than a high quality one DIN connection?

I am making a big leap into a $6K Triplaner tonearm that comes with a nice silver captured cable.
I was happy that I was able to eliminate my $4K tonearm cable and would have a direct connection.
But wonder if I should keep using my great tonearm cable with a DIN connection instead. My system is highly resolving and, as we all, want the best sound possible. 
Some go one step further and solder the wire right to the cartridge pins... 33% mo-better (from three to two points)...
Maybe 25% mo-better ; )
Don't forget the solder join inside the cartridge.
Lewm- I have a Triplaner w silver wire ( from factory- when Herb was doing surgery, I hope you had a nice nip of Rye.

seriously tho did you eliminate connections by soldering cart in and 2 phono pre ?


Ha, very good one @stereo5!

I had my Well Tempered rewired (uninterrupted run), and had nothing but trouble with the wire ends breaking off the RCA plugs. But the single-run silver wire looms I got with my Trans-Fi Terminator and and Helius Omega are built far more robustly, no problems. The uninterrupted run really is the way to go, for purists. Use as short a run as ergonomically possible, and butt your phono stage right up behind the table, the amp’s rear facing the table. Or, on a shelf directly under the table, if length allows.

Tomic, that is exactly what I would do; right to the circuit board at the four points where the wires that were soldered to the backs of the RCA phono input jacks were soldered to the circuit board.

Think about it, a .2 mv signal would then not have to go through: solder joint connecting tonearm wire to male RCA plug, RCA plug, female RCA phono input jack on preamp, solder joint connecting input jack to preamp internal wire and finally, internal wire to circuit board. How could doing this NOT make a positive difference. It does.

Obviously, I am not recommending this; but it is possible to do to good effect. Boy, those were the days! I think.
Tonic, no. Sometimes fanaticism yields to convenience. However, if I ever owned a SUT, I would be sure it utilized flying leads between SUT and phono stage.