BEL 1001 MK5 driving Joseph Audio Pulsars

I own the BEL amp and considering the purchase of a used pair of the Plusars.

My concern is the Pulsars 83.5 dB sensitivity as measured in Stereophile.  They do have a benign impedance curve, not dipping below 6 ohms. This to me means a speaker that thirsts after watts as opposed to current. 

The BEL is rated at 50wpc into 8ohm and doubles down into 4 and 2 ohm loads, likely due to a very conservative 8 ohm rating. Easily drives my Esoteric MG10s (87dB sensitive, 6ohm nominal impedance) to very loud levels.

My room size is `12.5 by 14.5 x 8.5 feet.  An asset for speakers of low sensitivity.

I am looking for thoughts regarding the BEL's ability to drive the Pulsars in a modest size room.

That is about as big a room as I would attempt to use. 83dB is is *very* low sensitivity! How old is the BEL? If older than 25 years, you really might want to consider getting the filter capacitorss in the power supply replaced. It will sound better, and the danger of destroying the power transformer due to bad filter caps will be gone for another decade or two.
Thanks all!  I consider the BEL to be borderline in wattage. It is a brut for a 50 watter however.  

If I indeed purchase the Pulsars, I will approach the volume with caution. 

My BEL was made in 2007, so not long prior to Mr. Brown passing away. I intend to have someone put it on the test bench one day and have those big caps replaced. 
in a modest size room at reasonable volume levels the bel shd be fine

84 db w m is purdy low though... 
What would be great is to find another 1001 Mk.5. Running a pair with each as a mono amp significantly increases not just their power output (quadrupling it!), but their sound quality as well.
Yes, If I could find another BEL of recent vintage at the right price. 

I am really on the fence on this. I have been wanting to hear the Pulsars for some time and am now in a position to