Experience with Inakustik 3500P Power Conditioner??

I'm looking at obtaining a power conditioner and had my sights set on an Akiko Corelli when an Inakustik 3500P got my attention.  I have found only one reference to the 3500P on Agon while there is some notable props on the Corelli here.  

Thanks for any experience you might be willing to share.
@milpai I was and still very happy with the unit but as I mentioned my amplifier started to exhibit a louder hum coming from the transformers. I thought it was an issue with my amp and didn’t relate it to the conditioner. I accidentally stumbled upon the issue when trying to combat the noise by using an iFi AC Purifier which has a built in polarity meter. Then after doing more research and consulting multiple sources in the industry I knew something was wrong. I’m not sure why you are mentioning phase as polarity is completely different. At the end of the day I just want people to be aware and check their units. Glad to hear yours checked out fine. Unfortunately mine did not. Bob made it pretty clear it wasn’t something I needed to worry about so that is why I took the steps to address the issue myself.-Alex
Has anyone had a chance to compare this with Niagara line (1200 or 3000). I think "rareace" did compare it with "1000", but there are many reports that say that Niagara 1200 is much better than 1000 at the same price. I'm currently using 1200 and I was impressed by it. It  replaced a conditioner which was 4 times as expensive than 1200. But, I'm very intrigued by the positive reviews about Inakustik 3500. 
I want to believe this Inakustic makes a difference but if you all keep mentioning it needs to “burn in”... I just won’t buy it!
"needs" burn in? Within 30 seconds of adding to my system I was hearing sound more glorious, musical, natural, and emotional than I had ever heard before from any of my gear. So if you can handle 30 seconds, you might be fine. :)

Having said that, over the following weeks the sound seems to just continue to improve further... becoming even more natural, with more "ease" and holographic images continue to become more vivid without becoming bright and with no treble glare. So just relax and enjoy the ever-improving sound... but there's no need to "wait" to hear the immediate improvement. Rest assured! If I sound a bit like a fan-boy that's only because after spending untold thousands of dollars on gear over the decades, this one item has rendered the most astonishing improvement of the bunch (even considering many speaker upgrades I've had... no kidding).
+1 @dvdboulet
I had the same experience. The improvement in the system is so clear. No need to wait for a long time. But it does improve over a period of time.