Monoblock Aegirs

I am moving my old Vandersteen 2ce sig II out of the media room and setting up a 2 channel listening room in a pretty good size space in our front room, 25’ x 25’ with a large adjoining dinning room and 10’ ceilings. I have been known to be asked to turn it down by the wife. I was looking at getting a Cambridge Audio CXN V2 for streaming duties connected to a Schiit Freya + preamp and I am debating on amplification. Curious if anyone has hooked up a pair of monoblock Aegirs to the Sig II’s and how well they drove them on the bottom end? Or am I better off with the Vidar?
But, when the midrange driver is being driven by a different amplifier than the woofer, (and in these cases by amplifiers not chosen for the similarity in their sounds, but rather for the difference in their sounds), the blending between the drivers is compromised and the sonic consistency of the speaker is inhibited.
It not, suggest you study the close ups of both. Same topology, just different rail volts, and the amount of Class-A bias.
They have the same DNA, by adding more Class-A to one amp is not! going to change the phase integrity from bass to mids. Not that it matters that much anyway, so long as they have the same gain.
I’ve heard magic from Class-D on the bass and tubes on the mids and highs.

He recommends vertical bi-amping with two of the same amps.
I do too if they have the "quality in the mids and highs of the Class-A Aegir", but the Vidar doesn’t. That’s why if the Schiits are used the Aegir is better on the mids and highs for it’s sweet class-A sound and the Vidar on the bass for it’s dynamic impact and bass drivability.

Cheers George
I guess I kind of glazed over that DNA part the first time you mentioned it.  As mentioned, above my skill set.
Nathan at Vandy can take you thru it as can any Vandy dealer or me ( Richard and I joke that I am the 24/7 technical support hotline...

dissimilar amplifiers have different transfer function which leads to smearing.. which is why the larger Vandy w active subs and the entire subwoofer lineup ALL use speaker level inputs so that the bass drive mimics that main amplifier transfer function. 
Vandy engineers for a relatively easy load to the amp with no bizare phase angles. The speaker is really meant to be biwired, preferably an external shotgun. I have run variants of model 2 with as few as 40 wpc ( mc240 ) , Odessa, Mc202, PSE, Audionics, VTL, Hafler, etc... etc... 

I have nothing against Schitt in fact I admire the vision and audacity and yes, I have visited the “ Schitter”... but you have other good choices. For example a Van Alstine amp, give Frank a call or your local Vandersteen dealer or as noted Johnny Rutan

have fun

reach out to me if I can help
Also I run Treo CT in a 16 x 35’ room with a 40 wpc NAIM SS poweramp.....

If they sound different they by definition don’t have the same transfer function 

logic is brutal
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