I recently purchased a blue sound node for use with an external DAC. After first trying with optical cable, switching to coaxial output made a big improvement in sound. So I would definitely avoid optical cables.
if you are running optical spdif the key, an absolute key, is to get a true glass fiber (not plastic) cable - with this, the sq gap is equalized to electrical spdif
there are some reasonably priced ones out there, just search
but know that alot of the ’audiophile’ toslink cables marketed out there as such are still plastic conductor...
Digital Coaxial is considered the better way to go, at least from all I’ve read. So that is what I use. However, to be honest, I’ve used toslink or photo optic cable prior and can’t say I notice an apreciable difference in sound quality. Same thing with the silver cables (silver plated) VS copper speaker cable debate.... they both sound good to me. I like my Qed silver anniversaries....however, when I can afford them, I will grab a pair of auditorium 23’s....
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