Responses from joshindc
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option? Hi. I recently added a Pass XA-25 amp fed by a Holo Audio Serene preamp. I really do like the clarity and solidity of this combination driving my Klipsch Forte's... Previously I had an Elekit TU-8600S 300B SET amp. The Elekit did some things quite... | |
Would a DDC (Denafrips Iris) improve my system? Hi. I used the Iris in front of a Denafrips Pontus II and Venus II taking the USB output of a Ifi Zen Stream to I2S output. Definitely made an improvement. But, I think if you find a high quality streamer with I2S output built in, the Iris wouldn... | |
If Steely Dan had a different vocalist Ha! Funny. The thing I can't stand about SD is their singing.. Just so ridiculous. | |
Does a record player make that much of a difference?? Hi Rauliruegas. Thought the purpose of these threads was to have fun discussing our shared interest - audio. Or is it to prove how much smarter you are than everyone else? Lighten up! | |
Does a record player make that much of a difference?? Thanks for all the interesting responses. I feel I should expand a bit on my thinking for this thread. Turntables certainly look cool and are fun to handle. And they come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and you can pretty much spend as much as yo... | |
Need some help picking my first MC Cartridge Hi, I just upgraded from a Grado Platinum MM to a Dynavector 20x2 low output moving coil. It's fantastic! So much more alive than the MM cart. Finally feel like I'm beginning to understand what all the fuss is about analogue. Up till now, I've be... | |
Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update I recently installed the 3rd version (version 3.5) of the firmware update for the Venus II 12th anniversary. This one is supposed to flesh out the midrange and upper bass a bit. So far, I really like - I think the folks as Vinshine really nailed i... | |
Audiogon, meet Buddy Miller. One of my favorites! Saw him way back in SF at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival, closing the show with Emmylou Harris. Just the two of them, incredible voices, incredible sounds out of his strange arsenal of guitars and mandolins, going thro... | |
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time Definitely a contender for worst but there are many pop music genres in the running - each have their strong points. That said, I’ve always found Country to be a genre where the vast majority is absolute crap, and I say that as a musician tbat rea... | |
HoloAudio STREAMER is out now Personally, I'd welcome another good sub-$1000 streamer into the mix. I presently use an iFi Zen Stream with an McRU linear power supply and it's been very solid for me. Definitely sounds better than the Bluesound Node I had previously. BUT, I'm s... | |
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat?? Hi @lordmelton. I did not say the Zen Stream plus an LPS would sound better than an Auralic or Aurender - it's true I haven't heard them in my system (have you?) - I only said it seems like this combo gives you all the features you would expect fr... | |
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat?? Hi Unsound (like the name). The only thing to be aware of with I2S output is that whatever device outputs I2S is responsible for clocking the signal. So if a MK II version of the Zen Stream were to have I2S output, it would also need to have a ver... | |
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat?? Hi blkwrwgn (that's a mouthful) and fuzztone (much easier). I get a lot of my advice from the British Audiophile youtube channel - highly recommended. He has two videos, one on the Denafrips Iris ( that does a ... | |
If you’ve heard an iFi Zen stream, anything better under $1k? Hi. Think we must have posted on this topic at the exact same time, but your posting has 22 comments and mine has none :( haha. In any case, I think the Zen stream plus an upgraded power supply is a fantastic combo, and if you paired it with a di... | |
Suggestions for a streamer only (I have a great DAC) Hi Naperaudio, My suggestion would be to get an ifi Zen Stream (only $300 or so), and an upgraded power supply. I recently upgraded from a Bluesound Node 2i to the Zen stream, paired with a linear power supply from McRU (around $350). Beats the p... |