ATC SCM 40 mk2 vs Salk Song3 Encore

Can anyone who has heard these compare and contrast? For that matter, what are anyone's thoughts about vintage KEF Reference 3.2s in comparison to these?
Thanks, everyone.
I found an amazing deal for the ATCs and pulled the trigger. If I hadn't, it was going to be a Salk. Clearly, I wouldn't go wrong with either.
Congratulations!  You sir just got yourself a world class speaker.  Did you go with the 40’s?

Atc’s are unlike any other speaker I have heard.  You’re in for a treat!

Yes, the 40's mk2.
I lucked out.
I'm excited.
I just hope my wife can hear the difference.
i will add my congrats as well m669...

you now own what they refer to as ''one bad-ass, world class loudspeaker...''   :)

now you will need to keep that wallet open to buy really good sh&t for the upstream!!!! LOL
Yes, upstream equipment will be important for sure.  Hopefully the op likes them enough to question what is possible with them, since they’re will be some untapped potential due to his current dac.