Cables for Audio Mirror Tubadour III

I'm looking for a suitable power cord (preferably < $500) for my Audio Mirror Tubadour III DAC, as well as RCA cables 
(< $300) to connect the DAC to the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II amp. Would love to hear from folks who have one or both brands.
@jjss49 Thanks for the reply. Actually I was thinking about silver ic's. Since both my DAC and amp are tubes, I wouldn't mind a wee bit of sparkle as long as it doesn't sound harsh or bright. Any thoughts on power cord?

My AMT3 is still breaking in, but already sounds miles better than previous DACs. It does such a great job of reducing digital harshness but not at the expense of details or resolutions. Just right, for my tastes at least.

I'm planning to upgrade to SE in a few months. Hopefully it'll be worth it.
i actually use primarily some homebrew braided ac cords

but i would recommend, amongst commercial high end brands - reasonably priced audioquest, wireworld, mapleshade, old xlo...

good connectors are as important as the wire, so long as the conductor wire is of sufficient gauge
Personally, I would finalize and break in my components before spending a significant amount of money on cables.  Otherwise you are just optimizing the sound for components that will be changing in the near future.  If you feel compelled to buy something, check out the Signal Cable digital power cord and silver IC's.  Very good products for the money and not so expensive.  Don't get me wrong - some expensive cables can yield transformative changes in a system, but I think you should match them to what you have - not what you are going to have. IMO. 
Hi again @Arafiq,
@chayro makes an excellent point, especially considering the break in required for the AM Tubadour, as we have discussed.

I too have found the Signal power cords an excellent & affordable product & use them throughout.

On another, but related note; I have recently discovered the Dueland 16AWG interconnects.
They are simply amazing, especially at the price.

They have replaced my much more expensive Cardas Golden Presence.
They too need quite a few hours to reach potential, but after they do they are superb.

Good luck.

Kind regards,