vtvmtodvmAny findings derived from an experiment involving 7 testers (average age 22) in a anechoic test chamber listening to test signals (not music) just doesn’t convey much of material significance ...
That is just one study. There are others that show audible differences between 16/44.1 and higher resolution files. Please feel free to conduct your own tests.
... it seems apparent that redbook resolution serves as an effective and sufficient means to preserve and recreate recorded music, and that higher rez alternatives convey no appreciable audible advantage ...
And you base that "apparent" fact on ... what, exactly? When you say no "appreciable" advantage, what exactly do you mean? After all "appreciable" is a subjective term, so it isn’t clear what you’re stating.
It’s fine if you’re happy with 16/44.1, of course. But to claim there’s no advantage to better quality formats doesn’t fit the facts.