Wharfedale Elysian 4 Incredible build quality and sound, but made in China.

When I walked into the shop my eyes were struck by these gorgeous looking beauties. Then I sat down and took a listen and said to myself they must cost $20000.-25000. When the dealer told me $10000. I was floored. What the hell, how can this be? Then he explained they’re made in China. I thought to myself, well if they’re who cares they look and sound fantastic.
yeah ok but how do the wharfedales sound????? do they sound as good as they look?
People in the Wharfedale Facebook group who own Elysians say that they love the sound. I'm waiting for an official review in print or on YouTube. Tharbamar has been showing off his pair of Elysian 2's  on YouTube, but he has yet to review them. 
We may not be able to avoid all Chinese made components, but we can certainly TRY to buy products that say "Made in the USA," rather than those which proclaim blatantly that they're made in China. Disengagement from Beijing is necessary in all areas if we are to return to being self-sufficient and not subject to undue international pressure.
China has essentially no protections for workers or the environment. The electronics manufacturers aren't so bad but speaker manufacturers are terrible. Workers spraying paints and lacquers with no respiratory protections, literally poisoning themselves. Then, at the end of the day after clean up, all the solvents are simply dumped on the ground, poisoning the water for entire communties. Meanwhile, domestic manufacturing is hollowed out and everybody has to work at Walmart or Amazon for poverty wages and crap benefits.

But, hey, we saved $5000. Woohooo!

Yes, but how do they sound?

If this is Wharfedale's best loudspeaker, then shouldn't we be interested?

Business ethics can only have very little to do with the way the modern world operates. Price and quality come first.

Having said all that I would be most reluctant to ever buy another Apple product again.

As long as there are alternatives.