McCormack DNA with Schiit Preamp?

Hi - I have a McCormack DNA-1 deluxe amp and looking for a good preamp match. Very hard to find a McCormack RLD or similar but in reading on this forum, it appears having a good line drive step attenuator volume is key with this amp. So I was looking at the Schiit Audio Saga or Saga+ as it boasts a very accurate stepped attenuator. Plus you can use with it in either passive or active with the one tube engaged or not. 

Anyone tried this setup, or if not, could recommend a line stage preamp for my DNA?  Thanks in advance 
Very hard to find a McCormack RLD
I have one and it is available.

Contact me is you want to discuss further
I used a Saga + for a while with my DNA .5.  A good (cheap) intro into SS amp/tube pre combo.  Sounded good, adding just a bit of holographic imaging and lushness.  But I found it just didn't have enough oomph with the one tube.  Was considering a Freya but jumped on a Rogue Perseus.  Easily a step up from the Saga and well worth the price I paid used.  Plenty of gain and a nice full bodied sound. 

Depending on what you listen to and how loud you might just want to skip the Saga and go for something better if budget allows.  I hope to be moving up the food chain myself to a next level tube pre at some point.      
Linear Tube Audio MZ2 preferably with upgraded linear power supply would likely sound fantastic with your DNA.  Best of luck.