Help with system overhaul What would you do....

Frustrated with hodge podge set up.
I presently have b&w htm2 center 602's l/r, marantz sr5004, paradigm seismic 110 sub, oppo bdp83.
My plan was to get b&w 805's l/r and rid of the 602s then upgrade avr to rotel 1560 and live happily ever after. well all that came to a screaching halt when I went to a totem dealer and heard the forest and the sig ones for the first time. I was never happy with the sound that my eclectic components made, so I read and read lots of reviews and threads here on audiogon about favorite speakers ect...
I really liked the Totems so now I just have to pick the right speaker for me, simple? its not.
The other speaker that stood out in the reviews as a worthy contender for the Totem, was the Merlins tsm mmi according to some of you but unfortunatly I never heard the Merlins..see what I mean.
The good thing is that my earlier frustrations gave way to total confusion, is that good? now I'm really frustrated.
At the dealer, The Totem forest were hooked up to an Arcam avr400(90w per)sounded great, the bass out of the speaker was tight and precise, I was very impressed with the Arcam's power the only attribute I have to judge sounds is that I'm a musician that loves and recognize great sound.
My plan is to get an Arcam avr500/600.
I love the totem signature one but dont mind spending more so that I dont have to upgrade again and again, I was interested in getting the Totem "The one" which had great reviews by some of you. I also want to upgrade my sub to possibly an REL R528 the dealer said that if hooked up to main speakers it will enhance the speaker's mid range (the sub was my idea so not sure).
My family room is almost square 20x19 12-14 feet ceiling (slanted)I have an open floor plan.
As you can see I need help.
I will get rid of all my present equipment except for the oppo.
What would you do.
Thank you
Roger, I think you are looking at speakers that outclass your HT receiver, by a lot.

Personally, I'd be inclined to upgrade your HT receiver first, then decide on a speaker upgrade if necessary. Speaker choice is a personal thing, but whatever you choose, you need good electronics to drive them.

The Arcam is a nice piece, but has had a lot of quality issues - make sure you have decent warranty service near by. Also look at the higher end NAD - T775HD2 - modular design and more reliable.
Consider going with a two channel amplifier with a home theater bypass to better match your main speakers then your choice of receivers isn't nearly as critical. I believe this combination is the best of both worlds.

As far as the confusion, you can always find something you like as well or better IF you're actively looking, but it doesn't mean that you'd be unhappy with a different product. When I purchased my current system I listened to several different brands and very much preferred my Focals, but also knew that I'd love to own almost any of the speakers that I heard. It sounds like you really like the Totems, so try to get an at home demo and see if you like them as well as you think. If not, keep looking.
I agree with Mceljo, the receiver will always hold you back. IMO it is almost not worth upgrading speakers if you are just going to use a receiver. It is a fine way to get started but if you really want to upgrade your system move on. Buy new speakers first if you want but keep some money around for a new front-end too.

You should look into getting a good (but stay in budget) two channel preamp and amp. You can just bypass the receiver to the preamp for home theater (works very well for me). The preamp does not even need to have a bypass, you can use any analog input and just set the volume at 12:00 on the preamp etc.

For what it is worth I currently own a Marantz SR5005 that replace my broken Rotel 1056 about a month ago... They both sound terrible with music and are very similar in sound quality. I bypass them to my two channel equipment and only use them for home theater. The loss in detail and bass extension, is so great (compared to my two channel preamp) I am thinking about dumping the receiver all together and running a blu ray player straight to my amps.

I bought my first pair of decent speakers in college (B&W 703) and ran them of a $800 Onkyo receiver for a little while. When I moved onto a moderately price set of separates the 703s sounded like a different pair of speakers. Much more bass, detail and soundstage.