Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player......

I would like to have some opinions on this cd player .....

Your comments are appreciated.

I think you are asking about the audio Aero Capitole Mark II Cd player. The prima is it's "little brother'. Both are wonderful players. Try doing a discussion forum search on 'Audio Aero' and you will be quite impressed by all of the feedback.
Ooodles in the archives. Unclejeff brings up a major point, especially when it concerns $$. The Capitole is 4 times the price of the Prima, but not 4 times the sound. Both are impressive players, but the Prima is probably the best value for the buck. Hard to beat at that price and more...The Capitole? I'd own one now if I wasn't married. I'll settle for my Prima. love it....warren :)
I have the Prima Mk2 and love it. It has a slightly forward tilt which gives the soundstage a natural-sounding depth with incredibly good layering and dynamics. I made some specific comparisons in my "system" page if you want more details but overall, it has high value and superb sound quality.

The Capitole is top loading which I don't care for. I prefer the Prima's conventional transport and its much lower price. Arthur
The Prima is one of the best values in audio if you can find one pre-owned. At retail price it is somewhat less of a bargain. In either case it buries products at and around its' price including the much overhyped Jolida JD-100, modded or stock.
The rest of my system ...Pathos Logos,Merlin VSM-MM speakers,Merlin BAM(balanced and single ended) Ridge street Audio Poiema !! XLRs and Ridge Street Audio Poiema! sp cable.
The AA Prima IIs balanced inputs will be used and I like the idea of tubes in the output stage.....
Thanks for your inputs.