I've been using Mac, VTL, Marantz and as of late (last 2 years or so) Cary. I don't use Golden Lyon, I have A LOT of them here too. Just not my cup of tea. When I use a valve like Sylvania for power valves, I use RCAs or Tellies, in the preamp position. When I used Golden Lyon valves, I have to used a Sylvania preamp valves, to get every last bit out of, any of the four.. Mac. VTL, Marantz (been a long time), or Carys.
I prefer most of the EH valves from Russia, and had a great run with these new VERY cheap chinese valve. 4-6.00 per valve.
I match them on my new Maxi Matcher 2, and let um run for 24 hours in a 8 valve VTL test amp. That cheap valve with, PSVANE, RCAs, Tellies, Volvo, Mullard, Amperex, Mazdas, or GOOD GEs, in the preamp section works GREAT.
That valve is brighter at the top, but smooth as silk in the mids.
At 4-6 dollars per valve, in bulk. VS 25-50.00 per valve.
It just takes 25-50 hours to get them sounding their best, and weed out the failures. About 1 in 25, 4 in 100. BUT you have to let them run at least an hour, and do the pencil tap test... They will "WIG" out.. if there is an issue..
I never could get the GLs to be bright enough. I use small planars, FEW round speakers. BUT I don't use valve amps in the BASS position. It makes a BIG difference how an amp preforms when they ARE or NOT doing bass duty..
I hear that PSVANE is a little bright in the Power Tube valve side, I can always tame bright. But to bring the LUSTER out, that's a different story.