Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile

Why no ads or reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile,is it personal or an oversight?
I especially enjoy JA's suprise when his measurements are hard to reconcile with the reviewers observations.
I think it's because many frequency response deviations are either pleasant (saddle-shaped curves) or inaudible with music.
I especially enjoy JA's measurements when they are hard to
reconcile with the price of the measured item. There is btw
no need to read 'between the lines' in his measurements. I
also have subscription because of JA.

I respect JA however I can never rely on the opinion of a man who never listens to vinyl?
Funny, that's one reason I like JA. All solid state, no vinyl, no delusions. Well, maybe just one. He still argues that cables make a big difference now and again. No one is perfect. :)