Another equipment recommendation request for DAC with Pre Amp

My last equipment recommendation request post was super helpful and help me decide to pull the trigger on a tube pre amp for my main system and I was able to grab an almost brand new ModWright SWL 9.0 AE pre amp. I could not be happier with the pre amp nor with how much I enjoyed all the discussion in that thread that helped lead me in that direction

I am now looking for a recommendation for a DAC pre amp for my 2nd system. Here are my requirements:
  • Only need 24/192 capabilities, anything more is a bonus
  • Optical or Coax input
  • Must include an analog input for my turntable via a Schiit Mani phono
  • Must include a remote

I will be running this DAC pre amp into XTZ Edge A2-300 power amp powering a pair of bookshelf Pioneer SP-BS22-LR

My list to this point includes:
  • Benchmark DAC3
  • Burson Conductor 3
  • Bel Canto DAC 2.5 or 2.7
  • Pro-Ject Pre Box RS Digital
Any other suggestions or thoughts on these three?

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I had the Bel Canto DAC3 VB, and not only was it an outstanding DAC but its preamp section was comparable to my Bryston BP6 preamp, which I found to be truly surprising and impressive.  You can probably find a 3.5 or 3.7VB with VBS power supply (critical to getting best sound IME) within your price range, and I don’t think you’d be disappointed in the least.  Best of luck. 
I would add the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ to the list.  It's got an excellent DAC, and is a full-featured preamp, with a wonderful phono input and headphone output.

I have owned the original Brooklyn, gave it to my son-in-law.
I’d add the PS audio stellar DAC/preamp to your list. I have one (and matching amp) in a second system and am pleased with its performance and value. It checks all the boxes you’ve requested.