What is better marketing - a good subjective review with a couple of questionable artifacts in measurements, or no review at all?"
James63 responds
"No review at all, I have passed on a few auditions because of bad measurements. Measurements are not everything, not by a long shot but if you listen to enough speakers and also analyze their measurements you can correlate the two with what you like and do not like."
Back to the question by the op. It seems that James63 sees it like I see it. Why risk a review whereby the measurements are going to reflect issues in the design regardless of subjective impressions? If Magenapan is selling speakers faster than they can make them there really is no reason for them to be subjected to measurements that might reveal issues. This might certainly dissuade some, maybe many, from even considering purchase. What could possibly be gained by Magenapan vs what could be lost? minimize risk. This aside from the obvious fact that audition is mandatory before any purchase.
Kal's response seems completely plausible to me as the REAL reason.
James63 responds
"No review at all, I have passed on a few auditions because of bad measurements. Measurements are not everything, not by a long shot but if you listen to enough speakers and also analyze their measurements you can correlate the two with what you like and do not like."
Back to the question by the op. It seems that James63 sees it like I see it. Why risk a review whereby the measurements are going to reflect issues in the design regardless of subjective impressions? If Magenapan is selling speakers faster than they can make them there really is no reason for them to be subjected to measurements that might reveal issues. This might certainly dissuade some, maybe many, from even considering purchase. What could possibly be gained by Magenapan vs what could be lost? minimize risk. This aside from the obvious fact that audition is mandatory before any purchase.
Kal's response seems completely plausible to me as the REAL reason.