Need RCA loading plugs

I have an Einstein Phono pre amp that uses RCA plugs to provide different loading options for MC cartridges. I need some help finding someone who can make 4 sets of plugs with different ohm loads. I understand it is not difficult but I have no experience. Thank you in advance for your help. Steve Gunther
Assuming you are referring to the Haniwa HCTR01, I note that the Haniwa phono stage that is recommended for use with it has an input impedance of only 4 ohms (!), undoubtedly as a consequence of the ultra-low resistance and ultra-low inductance of that cartridge. And it is indicated that tracking force can be significantly reduced when that loading is applied. So load resistors having values in that vicinity should presumably be among those you try.

As Ralph of Atma-Sphere has explained in various threads here, and as alluded to above by Artemus_5, the design of the specific phono stage that is being used, and how gracefully it is able to handle RF frequencies, is usually the major determinant of what loading value is optimal for an LOMC. But I suspect that the uniquely low values of inductance and resistance of this cartridge, together with the mechanical aspects of its design, are likely to result in it being an exception to that general rule.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al


I've got an omtec cp-1 phono preamp and have to make myself a few rca loading plus for my dynavector mc (xx2 mkii) and have sent a mail to a firm in Germany who sell resistors..
They don't really get what I want and want me to tell them the loading capacity: from 10-100 ohms is what I want to try out, maybe a bit higher.. 
They also want me to tell them how many volts and what not these resistors should have.. they stunt me the following info and link :

Line 1 : We do not have these resistors in value of 80 and 90. I have filtered as much as possible according to customer's info.

We are unable to filter more as we don't know the tolerance need, the voltage rating and the power.


Please have the customer to review following in order to filter himself with his needs :

From what I have read on the net, a lot of people don't like/recommend carbon resistors, but metal foils.

Could you tell me what they want to know?

Any help would be nice, as I can't use the unit without these loading resistors ( the seller needed then for his new preamp and I had no direct contact with him...)

Thanks a bunch in advance



The best Audio Resistors are here directy from the manufacturer (Texas Components). Any value available. Look for Naked Foil or Z-Foil type.