Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player......

I would like to have some opinions on this cd player .....

Your comments are appreciated.

Mechans ;
I too have moved from the AA Prima to a Granite . I have found that the Granite is just more of everything that the Prima was . I am curious as to what about the Prima that you prefer . What speaker and amp are you using ?
The Granite?? I tried the 657 head to head with my Prima 2 and the Granite was the clear loser. My audio buddies and I were surprised at how poor it was in soundstaging and dynamics. It sounded shut-in and weak and we all agreed. I can see why Mechans wants his Prima back!
Different strokes for different folks !
I find the Granite to have more extension, detail, PRaT and musicality in my system! And I use an Audio Aero Prima Integrated amp . I would have thought that system synergy would have been a factor. It clearly was not!
Mechans: Which version of the Prima are we talking about here? From your description (6922 tubes) it seems like your (dead) player was the older MK I version. The newer version uses tiny super tubes, which are soldered in. As far as I know transports for the MK I are difficult to come by; the newer MK II has as far as I know a different transport which may or may not be replaceable at this time.

Also, there is supposedly a big difference in sound between MK I and MK I according to the Soundstage reviews.

Yes indeed the Prima I had was definitely the older model. I do have to disagree me and my pal Trelja both own Granites. I bought mine after hearing his for a long time. We also did an A/B with an Electrocompianet EMC 1 up, which I had loved from multiple auditions. The granite was actually more extended and had more weight. The sound staging isn't the worlds best but its true its timing = PRAT is superb. It was the winner, much to my surprise.