Downside to "revealing" system?

Greetings, hope all are well. Since upgrading my rig over the years( ML 11a, REL s812s, VPI Prime Sig. Soundsmith The Voice cart, Pass xp25 phono, and Luxman L509X with Cardas cables and various powercords, plus S/R room treatments which have been unbelievable) many beloved older pressings have revealed themselves to be just about unlistenable. I'm speaking of, for example, 70s Reprise Neil Young, Randy Newman, Joni etc. Pressings are immaculate and cleaned on an Audio Desk cleaner and table is definitely set up properly. Newer " audiophile" pressings sound great. End result is I am listening to more cds since acquiring an Esoteric X01 D-2 which make even old cds sound great. I've always been a vinyl person and have over 4,000 records acquired over 30 years. I am thinking of getting a new cart next year and have heard great things about the Dyna XV-1s. ( input appreciated) Anyway, forgive the long post, I am actually grateful for a diversion from current events, stay well friends!
I find that the better the system, the better older recordings and pressings sound. However, the issue is that in comparison to the great recordings, it's more obvious the not-so-good stuff sounds...not as good. 
When I was visiting audio dealers in my search for my current pair of main speakers, before entering the sound room, the salesman asked if I preferred "analytic" or "musical" speakers, an interesting question.  My preference was for "musical".

I found that some really excellent speakers but what might be called "analytic" (or highly "resolving") would make some of my favorite music un-listenable.

I ended up with a pair of Focal Sopra No2's.  I've been very happy with those.
Yeah noromance, I used to think my older pressings sounded really good but not so much now. I am even finding myself picking up used cds of pop/ rock stuff because my Esoteric player makes em sound great. As an old "vinyl rules" guy this bugs me. But the fact is that my cd sound has mostly caught up to the vinyl I guess. Not ditching vinyl, I love the sound for sure. Thanks .