House buying and the aspiring audipihile

I’ve been looking for homes in the south. Final destination to be determined.

One of the features I’d like to have is decent potential for a great listening room, and doing so has made me feel like a true rare breed. What I mean is, it is so rare to find a room I think would work great for music. There’s a fireplace, or windows or odd shaped living room to throw off my aspirations.

What I’m reminded of, again, is how very very different the average consumer’s listening room and priorities are compared to audiophiles or moviephiles.  It is clear to me that if you want to be a very successful speaker maker you need to make speakers which still sound good even as they vanish.
I had a few “audiophile” features built into my house.
1) finished office/listening room in the basement with with insulation in all 4 walls and a solid wood door so music can be played louder at night without disturbing anyone.
2) in wall speaker wires so speakers can be connected to system in 4 different rooms + deck.   So you can play with sound in multiple rooms off a single good system.
@ejr1953 ...Welcome to Asheville!  Now, having said that, don't let my proximity concern you...much....;)
I'm generally docile in public, but given to 'one-liners' that don't register until I've left.
This is a 'pet friendly' your step, anyway...
No significant b&m audio outlets locally, be ready to drive to Charlotte (2ish hrs.) or Raleigh/Triangle (4ish hrs.); Atlanta....plan to overnight.
Online is your friend and perhaps your new mantra....and fits parts of the local kulture...  BTW, 😷 and purple, tending to blue.

It'll be great to know that some 'philes will be in the area...we're not typically the 'bumper sticker' sort....*G*

Erik, keep playing those Lotto #'s...👍

....dam' 'scratch-offs' just tie up the lines in the stores....

"I'll have 5 of the *pause* 'W'....*pause*....5 of the...*pause*...."

20 to win 10....good investment....🤨