Speakers for Bedroom - Vinyl/Vintage equipment

Looking for some suggestions for speakers for a master bedroom. Dimensions are 24x20. Would like to spend no more than $1500. This system will be strictly a vinyl system. Using Pioneer 1978 SX-80 receiver with 45watts and a Pioneer PL-51 turntable. Diverse types of music including; Rock, 80's Pop/Rock, 50's music, Jazz. No classical or country. Would prefer no subwoofer to be involved. Thank you!
Had Time Windows in bedroom for years,a truly great speaker
thats unfussy as to placement -no stands reqired an advantage over Advents,clearer than Advents but not as harmonically rich.
With the limited options of finding excellent vintage speakers, are there some new speakers that would work? Not having much luck finding excellent condition speakers. Any suggestions would be great! Or just be patient and search for the Advent, Altec, Time Windows, EPI etc.?
Vintage Dynaco A25s or KLH 17s or AR 6s, as long as they are in reasonable condition.
OR, get some modern active speakers & use the preamp (tape out?) outputs. Try used(even new for if you look here) active Quad 12Ls for 6-$800 & you will have $$ left over for a cheap subwoofer too.
Anyone ever listen to Bolivar Model 18's? Read some decent reviews but wanted any first hand knowledge of the sound etc. Thanks
I would be careful to confirm, if even possible, the operating condition of vintage speakers like those that have been around for years. If original, they likely need work. If not, they are often upgraded with different drivers, crossovers, etc. that may no longer resemble the original sound, for better or for worse.

I used to sell several of those vintage speakers and still clearly recall how many of them sounded new with other gear of the time.

If it were me, I'd go with newer speakers for better performance and better reliability over very old ones, even if the rest of the system is vintage.