Upgrade DAC recommendation

My systems consist of:
McIntosh 601 Monoblocks 
McIntosh C47 Pre Amp
Martin Logan Renaissance 15A Speakers
 Node2 DAC

I’m  bypassing the DAC in my Node2 and using the DAC in my McIntosh C47 My sound is good but I think I’m missing something  and believe the sound can be tremendously better if I upgrade my Node 2 for a better DAC. I’m willing to spend up to $5k on a new DAC
 Based on my system components, can you suggest a Better DAC that will take my sound Up to new levels

 need lots of help


I have a similar system, Mac c46 and 501 amps with Dynaudio C4s and jlaudio e112 subs. I use a Bryston BDA3 DAC to good effect. Natural sounding with a good detailed presentation and wide sound stage. I use all MIT Magnum cabling and power cords. I am currently demoing Audioquest HC storm series power cords for my amps with impressive results. More open presentation with much finer detail from my better recordings. Steve
The DAC in your preamp is significantly better than the Node 2.

There are loads of DACs that will sound different, but better? Only you will be able to decide that.

When I embarked on my quest for a DAC, I too had a budget of $4 - $5K. I went from a Schiit Bifrost Multibit to a Teac UD-501 to a Gustard x20Pro DAC mated to a Singxer SU-1 DDC (connected via IIS). I stopped there. I listen to FLAC (ripped CDs) and DSD files through this setup. I did audition others but this was the sweet spot for my system (and ears).

FWIW I have Martin Logan Spires being fed by Soundcraftsmen PM860 monoblocks (600 W), connected to a Don Sachs Model 1 linestage.

You will receive tons of recommendations but I'd advise auditioning any DAC in your system first. Lots of companies offer a no questions asked money back guarantee.

All you'd be out is shipping which a small price to pay (IMHO).

Happy hunting!

I use a McIntosh MDA 1000 dac in my Mac system. It's an older model, but the best dac McIntosh ever made. Far superior to the dacs found in their current preamps ( I own a C48). Very analog sounding. They can be had for $3000-$3500,but they sell quickly and are highly desired. Do a search and read the steller reviews on this unit. Had a Electrocompaniet ECD-1 prior to Mac. Similar close sonics. One for sale on USA Audiomart at a great price. My dac search is now over.

Thanks for the tip to turn off the audio clock trim; had no idea of this setting. Pretty noticeable difference and I agree it sounds better off at least with my DAC. I thought it sounded great before, but astonished it sounds better. I’m using a Vault 2 through RME ADI 2 fs/Teddy Pardo. Thanks!