I have Tekton Impact Monitors, Spatial Audio M3s (the
original version, not the upgraded versions), and the Maggie 1.7i’s all in my
basement right now (I also have a pair of Magnepan LRS’s), and have been
comparing them for the past three months. I thought the Tektons were my last
speakers. I love them. But I came across the one-year-old Maggies on a local classified
ad at a price that was $1k less than the new price. I couldn’t resist giving
them a try, and I fully expected the Tektons to beat them. At first they did.
But I upgraded to a silver jumper and a gold-plated fuse, and also upgraded my
cheap cables. With each tweak the Maggies improved noticeably. They need all
the current you can throw at them. At the suggestion of a well-respected audio
engineer, I even took my power conditioner out of the system and plugged my
PrimaLuna Prologue Premium directly into the wall to get better current flow (It
made a huge difference. My ancient Adcom conditioner was actually choking off
the current flow). With these tweaks, the Maggies eventually emerged as the
best of the bunch – much to my surprise. Both the Maggies and the Tektons are quick and
detailed, and sound similar in many ways. The main difference is that the Maggies
deliver a more natural and richer tone, and perhaps a touch more holography with
the images. And the sound stage is unbeatable.
But there are some caveats. My Maggies are 8.5 feet into the
room. Placement makes a big difference with Maggies, and in my room, they need
that much space (my room is 15 feet wide, and 50 feet long!). I’m also using a
pair of Goldenear Forcefield IV subs, and they are essential to the sound. The
Maggies actually produce better sounding bass than the smallish Tektons, but
they just don’t have the slam that a box speaker has. I cross them over at a
very low 45 - 50 HZ, so that most of the sound and texture are delivered by the
Maggies, but the slam and fullness are delivered by the subs. It works wonderfully.
So my recommendations: First, try the upgrades I’ve
suggested. Second, and this is critical, get some good, quick subs. These additions
will bring a ton of excitement to the party. With the subs, even the LRS
speakers sound huge and amazing. But if you’re just itching to try something new,
go for it. You’ll enjoy the Tektons as well. And yes, I’ve obviously got too
many speakers in my life. As soon as COVID is controlled to the point I’m
comfortable letting people come into my house to audition them, I’ll be having
a sale.