Am I too big of a jerk,even for audiogon?

Let me explain. I have extremely high and very vague standards. I look down on everything, and I mean everything, never talking about specifics or my own point of reference. I’ve looked down not just on people and equipment but science and facts as well. They are far far beneath me.  It is all too much for me to explain, but I am sure you are all doing it wrong.  WRONG, with a bold, underlined and hooker-script WRONG font used here.

I start these crazy troll posts which are incredibly successful in nabbing a lot of the regulars in audiogon.

I should be very happy with myself, but sometimes I have to wonder if my level of jerk is too much for all of you too handle. I’m trying to blaze a path, but are you with me audiofools or not???
Eric, if you think you need help, you should get it from a professional that  can help. That being said , I know many people out of what can be considered very intelligent.  I am a computer guy for a research R&D facility and know dozens of PHD scientists from everywhere around tne world.  These people are crazy smart.  But at what they do! Some cannot cannot change the oil in their car, but can invent new materials from a molecular level.  Some have real socialization issues. In other words, difficult to get along with.
On the other hand i have a dyslexic friend with the most awkward humor.  I would say he is one of the most intelligent of anyone I have ever met.
 Only tech school grad in electronics.  He walks into a broken factory that cannot make widgets.  Not knowing anything walks in, oh, I  an fix that!.  Few people are left that  an troubleshoot TTL technology. Most are dead that made the 60 year old production facilities.  Mechanical problem....No problem, he can fix it. No parts available? No problem, he has a metal lathe. Needs welding, he an do it.  A bad indusrial electric motor, he can fit that too. Bad bearings somewhere? No problem.  Does it measure and cut red hot pipe? Does it use micorowave power to dry leather?  Does it use three phase high voltage, current to heat that bar stock. I could go on to fill a page.
  No one gets Steves jokes, but we love him anyway. 
Just because you notice things no one else does is a gift!  Using your God given intellegence in the wrong way will be damaging to you.  Make it fun like my super smart friend.  Challange yourself to invent a better way to help people, and society and you will find yourself really busy finding solutions to problems or making improvement to existing product.   Being a critic is only bad if thats all you do and are and not willing to make it better. Your not a jerk, you notice things missed by most of us or have a different perspective which is not  bad, just different.

@pcrhkr....I suspect the gist of your post is what the man is about...*s*

And I recognize in self what your friend Steve has a tendency to be and act like.... Having done the improbable enough times that some started to take it for granted.  And any 'glass ceiling' was composed of family members that, as a rule, tended to barely understand what they ought to be doing to avoid frustrating me to the point of saying:

"Goodbye, it's been real fun. Not as much fun as real, but...."

...and, after awhile, one tires of pulling rabbits out of one's b*tt when a hat wasn't available...or considered 'too expensive'....

...when they went there later, anyway.

Erik Is Not a Jerk.

I'm happy to be one on demand.  More practiced at it....;)

And if one doesn't 'get' my humour...well, I persist anyway. *L*

Not angry at you, no.  Just....ranting at the walls...*s*
Breaking gnus🐃🐃🐃!
I’ve temporarily taken over thecarpathian’s account!
You pin heads don’t need me to answer for you!
Think for yourselves for once. Who do you think I am, Doctor Know? 🤗
Try it sometime, you might discover you actually have a brain.
Don’t be a cube ◼ rube, go ape!🐒
There is nothing wrong with looking down on fraud such as some pop chart musicians who have little training but claim they don't need it because "I was born with natural talent," or claiming without any significant education to know more about a specific subject, along with all subjects in general, than any PhD who specialized in that subject, or some good old boys with enormous beer bellies spending a couple of Saturday afternoons playing paintball in their trailer park over a case of beer and claiming themselves equal to combat veteran Navy SEALS. Dante, in his Divine Comedy placed the fraudulent deeper in Hell than the violent. A generation before mine said if you accept everything you stand for nothing. If that is what you do, then because you defend the human dignity of the rest of us, you will never make it in a dream to become a jerk.
I have my opinions and sides in rivalries in audio of what I like, but I don't denigrate other approaches. But don't take my word for it. Anyone who doubts me is welcome to check my property with a Geiger counter to prove I do not have a stash of Tzar Bombas to use against those who listen to push-pull amplifiers instead of single-ended triodes.