Impressive for sure. At least SOtM and Metrum will allow you to download and reflash. If SGC even had the OS on the cloud, Jesus R. did not bother to offer it.
All he did is ask where I bought it and what powered supply I was using. When I replied "from them" aid "theirs" he went silent. Big effin help.
I actually ordered a 7v LPS that hadn't arrived yet. Now I have no use for it.
You want technical support, go to Dominik in Austria or Rob in Holland.
They’ll probably help you get your car started.
Impressive for sure. At least SOtM and Metrum will allow you to download and reflash. If SGC even had the OS on the cloud, Jesus R. did not bother to offer it.
All he did is ask where I bought it and what powered supply I was using. When I replied "from them" aid "theirs" he went silent. Big effin help.
I actually ordered a 7v LPS that hadn't arrived yet. Now I have no use for it.
You want technical support, go to Dominik in Austria or Rob in Holland.
They’ll probably help you get your car started.