Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?
06-24-11: Timlub
I haven't read all of these post, so it might have been answered...The answer to the exact question is yes.... In theory. If all things are totally equal except for sensitivity, the two speakers will sound identical except in the area of dynamics. The more sensitive speaker will be more dynamic. Next... This is impossible
06-24-11: Timlub

Will have to disagree more sensitivity does not mean more dynamics...

Mapman`s analogy ignores that obvious fact that those portable devices are built to a price point and meant for very affordable(cheap!) entertainment purposes. The truth is within all speaker catagories there exist a hierarchy of performance. Some low efficiency speakers are wonderful and some poor sounding, same with higher efficiency models.

The goods news is there`s room in high end audio for us all. Now on the other hand, tubes vs solid state....
Well, I suppose if we were to take this somewhat academic question literaly, both speakers would be equally dynamic and equally capable of the same level of noise rejection, and equally capable with the same amplification.
I have been reading this thread with much interest. I greatly respect Ralph/Atmasphere and have always learned from his posts and others on this thread.

I must say my experience flies in the face of saying a low efficiency speaker can't play to sound pressure levels with as much ease and scale as a horn speaker with a nice quality tube amp.

Well, I have owned horn systems such as the Cain & Cain IMBEN with several high quality SET and other types of tube amps. In addition, I have owned 92-95 db efficient speakers from Silverline paired with tube and SS power amps rated up to 300 watts per side.

Now I own Soundlab M1 speakers and drive them with a 600 watt per side Sunfire Signature SS amp. This amp cost me $1500 used and new they were $3700 or so. My current rig plays to db levels that are well over 100db with an ease and scale I have yet to hear in any of my previous systems. My Soundlab speakers are only 87db efficient with impedance swings from 2 ohms up to near 40 ohms. Yes, they are hard to drive!

But the scale and ease to which this system plays is amazing to me.

So my experience is that large ESL speakers with a very powerful SS amp can certainly match or exceed the sound pressure levels and scale/ease of a horn system. No need to spend a lot for the right amp either. Worthy amps like my Sunfire can be had for under $3500 used.

Ralph is correct that a nice horn/tube amp rig can also soar in the manner he states. I agree 100% with that.