A question on some older CD players and the Ultra Analog DAC used in them

A couple of the best sounds I had in my system were from a Wadia and a Classe CD players that were using an Ultra Analog DAC.

Is/are Ultra Analog still in business? It would seem that in digital playback the digital to analog conversion is a first step down the road of music to listen to from a digital source. Is/are there any competition in the DAC chip part of the business? As most of us know, competition is a major key to better products in nearly every consumer field. Thanks, J   ,

 the chip may be the    Ultra Analog 20400 r2r DAC, but I am not sure about the DAC/chip number. 
IIRC, it was trimmed/balanced ADs but I can no longer recall the exact ones.  If I get to my archives, it might be there.
Those Ultra Analog dacs where also used in first generation Krell KPS 25 cd players, and almost all went bad. Later Krell started using BurrBrown 1704 24 bit dacs, that also gets killed by the excessive heat inside these machines none  of those dacs are available any more.