Rogue Audio Cronus ...what speakers do you love ?

I'm currently using my wonderful Cronus integrated amp to drive my beloved Vandersteen 1C speakers (click on my "system"). Happiness is flowing all around my music room with this combination. Which speakers are you other Cronus owners using ?? What's great about what you now have ?? What are you wishing for with a speaker upgrade ??
My opinion ofis probably not the best match but a decent one and still sound very good together most of the time.  

Off the cuff if it were me the Triangle and Vandersteen ideas would have a lot of appeal
I have been using a Cronus Magnum on loan from a friend during the pandemic. Was supposed to be a few weeks, but I have been blessed with this lodger for a while.

I have listened to it quite a bit with Sonus Faber Cremonas and with a pair of Gallo Reference 3s.

If you have the Gallos it would be well worth the effort to listen to the pair together. I had always hoped for more from the REF 3s and the Cronus Magnum makes them magical. I will be leaving the amp in this set-up (buying it from friend).

I have been running the Sonus Fabers off Ayre equipment and have been immensely happy with them. The Cronus Magnum sounds great on the Cremonas, but it can not touch the fine delineation and impact/clarity from either the Ayre separates or the Ayre integrated.

Still, at the Cronus price point and with a built-in bias meter, you can not really go wrong with this amp.

I am using it with Raal Sr1a headphone which requires more than 100 watts.

Mine is fitted with Telefuken 12ax7 and Amperex 12 au7 tubes.
possibly the best buy in all of audiophile land.  
i enjoyed my CMII immensely with Harbeth C7ES3 speakers.  
Tube upgraded to amperx 12AX7 and AU7, RCA 5914 12AU7 back row.  

I have "upgraded" everything but should have stopped with that system.