Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?
Yes Timlub,

Sorry i had misread your response, all things being equal and exact it will have more dynamic range...
To the OP's question as stated: yes.

To my ears, only high-sensitivity systems really "breathe" and allow the use of low-powered, more refined amplification without compromise. Low-sensitivity speaks sound as if a wet blanket has been draped over them, comparatively speaking (ahem).

But, to each his own.
Triode needs to hear better non-flea tube amp powered systems.
They do exist!

I also like SET amps and high efficiency speakers as they can sound quite good also.
"But,to each his own"
Triode , words of wisdom. The low power amp/high efficiency combination seems to more sucesfully present the flesh and blood, living breathing presence that`s so convincing. This ability to consistently create such realism is what pull me over to this genre.(is it the much simpler circuits and fewer parts?). Trumpets,pianos,saxaphones and human voice is simply much closer to what I hear at live performances, the palpable reproduction is stunning at times. YMMV.
These kind of discussions would have more weight if we were to quantify what is high sensitvity, medium and low ..

A horn speaker with a sensitivity of 100db/w/m being driven by a 20w SET, will have far less db gain and dynamics when compared to a planer speaker with a sensitivity of 86db/w/m being driven by a 200 watt amp @ a listening distance of 15 ft.
