Oh...yeah, there's the Final Question, asked in the last line of Eriks' 'original statements and queries'....:
"What do we, the audiophile community recommend to them to actually be helpful in getting them as many positive music listening experiences as possible?"
Given that the majority of 'us' have suffered through coping with odd spaces in the 'public' rooms of various 'n sundry houses, unless lucky enough to have a room that could be adapted for use as a 'listening room....
All we could offer is a list of what to avoid; sloped ceilings, spaces that offer only 2 walls, and those at a right angle to each other if only the 2, most 'open-plan' spaces in general,...a list of 'don'ts' that would glaze the eyes of most before one even began a list of 'do's'.
Many scarcely completely read the manuals of the equipment they buy, and if done it's for how to operate the stuff successfully.
Most are buying 2, 2.1, 5.1, or 7.1 systems to augment (or as part of) a flat screen purchase or to add to an existing one.
Most are so damned thrilled at the basic improvement in the audio, flawed as it may be or sound like to our ears. Any concerns that we (as audiophiles) would consider to be horribly flawed but simple to fix would likely fall onto 'deaf ears'....
There will be, as before, those who hear 'flaws' and seek to address that begin The Journey to varied degrees.
This is Why most people consider us crazy. *L* To them, we are literally hearing 'things' they can't. Or may never notice.
Of all the 'home renovation' or 'people seeking a home' shows I've seen, I think I can count the number of 'audio speakers' noted on one hand. Generally, all that appears is a flat screen, sans additions.
Only one appeared to be of 'audiophile intent', but it was modest..
Only one reno made an issue of the owners' love of music.
At the end, he was gifted with a new TT; manual, basic.
They built a wall consol to contain same and his record collection.
And built the speakers 'enclosures' to fit into at the ends of said consol...complete with grills...*sigh*
(Never saw a receiver or an amp of any sort, or said speakers, btw)
Happy Hunting and Good Luck, Erik.👍
Let me know when you've 'landed'. If necessary, I'll buy the beer and comiserate and listen to The Plan.
I will be polite, nod when appropo, comment only when absolutely necessary and attempt to be succinct about it.
I may be available to help move things about, hold the idiot end of tape measures, but only within a 1~2 low ABV% brew consumption level (basically an inexpensive 'drunk'; most of the beer will be for You. *L*).
Cheers, J