Can anyone identify the model of this Snell Acoustics bookshelf speaker?

Any Snell experts out there? For the life of me, I cannot determine the model of this speaker. I’ve looked through almost all possible images of Snells on the interwebs. See photos at the following link:;8D7F2E77-A7BB-4C66-837B-C27810863BB0

The speaker looks like it might be in the K series. It looks very similar to those shown at

@mofimadness , that's my next move, to open them up. It's not only because of the badge that I think they're genuine. I bought these from a coworker. He's actually the one who turned me on to Audiogon. He seemed fairly honest, but so are the best con men.
Who knows where he got them?  He very well might have thought he was buying real Snell speakers and never questioned it?  Please keep us posted. I’m rather intrigued now...
I must admit, I was just having fun. Sound it out - DFNCT - defunct.

Oh...reviewer humor :-)
@mofimadness , they are indeed not Snells. Someone switched out the badge, whether it was the guy who sold them to me or someone who duped him, I will never know. I opened it up and the back of the woofer is stamped with KLH Audio Systems, and that is indeed what they are. Take a look: