Can anyone identify the model of this Snell Acoustics bookshelf speaker?

Any Snell experts out there? For the life of me, I cannot determine the model of this speaker. I’ve looked through almost all possible images of Snells on the interwebs. See photos at the following link:;8D7F2E77-A7BB-4C66-837B-C27810863BB0

The speaker looks like it might be in the K series. It looks very similar to those shown at

I must admit, I was just having fun. Sound it out - DFNCT - defunct.

Oh...reviewer humor :-)
@mofimadness , they are indeed not Snells. Someone switched out the badge, whether it was the guy who sold them to me or someone who duped him, I will never know. I opened it up and the back of the woofer is stamped with KLH Audio Systems, and that is indeed what they are. Take a look:
GREAT detective work sir!  I was pretty sure they weren't Snells.

Peter is turning over in his grave.  Geez, KLH, they could have at least used something better...
@mofimadness , Thanks for your help. Yeah, these aren't the greatest but a pretty good bang for the buck at least when that review came out and gauging by what the review says.

It's ok, because I just upgraded to these bad boys, anyhow: And that site is legit, more legit that a coworker.