Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?

Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker -- all other things being equal?
Okay! I'm not using tubes either although I have a pair of tubed monos stashed. The topic really is speaker efficiency and whatever advantages it provides.
Macrojack, I agree and I just gave a different opinion to your wise crack remarks about what others deem to be perfectly reasonable and rationally put together systems. Just wanted the reader to have a fair and balanced read :-)
Please don't use the phrase "fair and balanced" if you want to be taken seriously. I have been conditioned to expect partisan lies to follow whenever I see or hear that slogan. Southern accent is another flag.
I will always hope for fair and balanced - always! May not get their perfectly, but I and we can attempt to do our best. Sorry for your past experience with that phase and motivation, however it is a genuine hope of mine.
Don't know about anybody else but I found this conversation simulating and educational. It visited interesting territory, territory a rigidly specific destination would never have found.