Table and arm combos in 13k range

What turntable/arm combos in the 13k range would you choose? I never thought I would be looking in this area but have decided to look for my final turntable purchase. I know the SME Model 12 with the 309 is 12k, and Clearaudio Compact Wood is there too, also Dr. Feickert. I have not heard these but maybe you kind folks could offer your insight, I have no need for multiple arms and current cart is Soundsmith The Voice though I could see an upgrade next year. Also, any input on arm length, I am intrigued by the Kuzma 4point9 which would be a great match for the Dr. Feickert Woodpecker. What say you?
For 13K I would get a Sota Nova with vacuum and put a Schroder CB arm on it. Far superior to anything you have mentioned so far. The 4 points are great arms but the Schroder is an amazing arm. Some even prefer it to the SAT arm. I had a 4 point by the way. For Koetsu's the 4 Point 14 is the arm to have. People argue about length with some preferring shorter arms because they are stiffer and have lower polar moments of inertia. Others prefer the lower tracking error of the longer arms. Frankly, I think it is a wash.
I would never buy a turntable that was not adequately suspended and isolated. Examples are Sota, SME, Basis and Dohmann. If you wanted a sharp table you could also get a Basis 2200 and put the Schroder CB on it. I prefer the look of the Sota. It also has vacuum record clamping and a really nice dust cover. All these things make it a joy to use. You can put it on a card table, jump up and down in front of it, hit it's plinth with a hammer and it will play on without a hint of trouble. It is totally oblivious to the environment. I do not recommend the Linn LP12 because it's suspension was poorly designed and it is not stable. 
Other arms that are excellent are the Origin Live Conqueror and Enterprise, the Reed 2G and my favorite the Schroder LT. The LT requires a table that can take a 12 inch arm.  
you might be able to get a Brinkmann Bardo with a Triplaner for that...

i did ;-) what a blessing.

enjoy your search

and the music
