The one fly in the ointment with all these anecdotes is no-one is talking about the amplification and its a huge variable with both of these speakers.
One thing I've noticed at shows is when the room sounds good or bad, the speakers get the credit either way. But if it sounds good the electronics have to sound that good too and vice versa, not to mention that the room itself can have its own problems (standing waves, hard reflective surfaces). I think both speakers are excellent but like any other excellent speaker you can't leave the electronics or room out of the equation!
One thing I've noticed at shows is when the room sounds good or bad, the speakers get the credit either way. But if it sounds good the electronics have to sound that good too and vice versa, not to mention that the room itself can have its own problems (standing waves, hard reflective surfaces). I think both speakers are excellent but like any other excellent speaker you can't leave the electronics or room out of the equation!