Best SUT For Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius cartridge

Please suggest a SUT For Van Den Hul Crimson Stradivarius cartridge.
I currently own a Ypsilon MC26L Ypsilon VPS 100 Phonostage.

However the highs are high. Since the cart is putting out 0.95 mV, it may be overdriving the phono stage as MC26L has 26 amplification ratio.

Even the lowest amplification ratio Ypsilon MC10 is recommended for carts 0.4-0.6 mV. 

I am not sure if there are SUTs with 5 amplification ratio.
a few months ago I knew absolutely nothing about MC, but I learned a lot here and hopping about

In round numbers, signal strength boost, I think this is correct:

+12 db = x factor 4.0
+14db = x factor 5.0
+16db = x factor 6.0
+18db = x factor 8.0
+22db = x factor 12.0

this is extremely versatile with 4 low gain settings

they show it for $3,300.

they make several, some low gain, some +14db x factor 5.0

ortofon, single setting, ST-M25, +12db xf 4.0

Rothwell’s have too much gain for that cartridge, but some good reading

Facts, Charts, and Calculators
Kanchi, I am trying to figure out what you're getting from what you already own.  According to the Ypsilon website, "MC26L" sounds like the designation for one of their SUTs.  And VPS100 denotes their phono stage.  Since Ypsilon seems to use the db gain factor in naming their SUTs, I assume your SUT provides 26db of gain.  (I hate that they use the term "amplification factor", by the way.  It adds nothing, because what one needs to know is the turns ratio which indicates the voltage gain.)  26db of gain converts to voltage gain of about 20X, which means that the output of your 0.95mV cartridge would be seen by the inputs of the VPS100 as ~20mV.  I can well imagine that this much voltage (and much higher signal voltages in actual practice) might overdrive the phono stage and cause the distortion I guess you are hearing.  On the other hand, the VPS100 by itself provides 39db of gain or about an 89X voltage gain.  This begs the question: are you using an active linestage downstream from the Ypsilon phono stage?  If you do have an active linestage, take note of its intrinsic gain.  If it is at least 10-12 db, you may have enough total gain just in the YPS100 plus the active linestage to drive your amplifier to adequate output.  This depends also upon the input sensitivity of your amplifiers and on the efficiency of the speakers. In other words, you may not need any SUT.