System Plateau - Ideas?

The last time I plateau’d was
Rega RP6 (Ortofon Black) > Musical Surroundings Nova II > Line Magnetic 518ia > DeVore O/93 

2 changes, more recently:
1. Switched amplification to
DeHavilland Ultraverve III (Dueland Special) > FirstWatt Aleph J
2. Also replaced Ortofon Black with a Hana ML.

Overall very nice, but I feel I’m missing a bit of “edge”.
One direction I’ve been leaning is single driver (researching Omega). Another direction would be rethinking amplification. Has anyone plateau’d here? What did you try?

Of course, everything sounds perfectly fine as is :)

 @millercarbon thanks for the push around "edge". That wasn't the right word at all. I think what I'm missing is the fullness/roundness of the Line Magnetic. The slightly "thinner" sound of the current set up leaves me wanting a bit. What I've gained is a more even overall presentation and better sense of control. As @decooney put it well, this is likely a lot to do with the trade-offs between tubes and SS. Agree that I'm not missing "an edge" :)
@decooney I won't let go of the FirstWatt, also won't let go of the Line Magnetic (at least until I can afford the 845 premium). I did take the LM as far as I could with tube selection, but didn't get to playing around with caps at all.
I really dislike Rega tables and it is quite possible that you are not getting nearly the performance out of your cartridge as is possible. A friend recently switched from a Regar 6 to the entry level Kuzma setup and the increase in detail was startling. He uses a Benz Wood cartride. Never heard a First Watt amp that sounded overly lively. In fact none of your components would be on the bright side. Better cables is a good idea if you are using stock.  
@audition__audio do you have a preferred brand you'd recommend, for cables? I'm using ICs from an Etsy outfit called Amplifier Surgery, Blue Jean speaker cables. All very low-budget. Forgot to mention that I've been looking to upgrade the turntable, as well. Haven't seen a clear next choice, there (many options). 
I have the LM805 and use Devore O/96's, so pretty close your original setup.  Replacing the stock 805 tubes with NOS RCAs was an incredible upgrade.  Just curious if you rolled the power and 300B tubes in your LM amp?