Universal Players: Video Quality?

I already have my 2 channel front end set up. What I am considering is upgrading my DVD player (old Camelot Tech, quite good by the way) with an universal player. This sits in a different room, home theatre set up Of course sound quality is important yes as I also want to experiment with mutli-channel music (though I am not convinced) but superior video quality is must as I use it for mostly watching DVDs. When I read reviews in audio mags they really don't comment on video quality at all, and when they do they compare it their brethen not the leading say Sony players (which of couse may suffer in audio quality). So in a long round about question, which universal players have superior video while maintaining audio quality? Esoteric vs Linn vs Bel Cant PL-1? Sim Audio?
As an owner of the Marantz DV9500 I can say it is the best picture they have produced in that series. I owned the 8300 and 8400 and the 9500 is much better but I would be inclined to say the Denon 5910 is better still. I expect to see a Marantz DV9600 and a Denon 5920 hit the shelves soon. Also take a look at the McIntosh MVP861 it has an outstanding picture quality.
I have had the Esoteric DV-50 (which I kept and the upgraded to the 's' status) and the Linn Unidisc 2.1 in my system (which at the time had the Linn Kisto pre/pro and fully active AV 51 system)

I love the Linn sound, or I wouldn't have all their speakers and amps, but the Esoteric was more accurate, particularly on bass. The upper end was slightly more liquid on the Linn, but the attack of the notes was lacking, and the bass was weak at best. NOW as for video, the Unidisc was more life like than the DV-50 (hadn't been upgraded yet, so I can't compare the 2.1 vs DV-50s) and definitely did reds better. In fact I would say color saturation was generally better on the Linn.

Ultimately the wife and I decided to keep the DV-50, and I do not regret it. MC Audio is a novelty in my mind, but still a great party trick, and once in a while, on the few disks that are recorded well in this format, a true treat.

I can tell you that the upgrade to the 's' status really did make a significant improvement in the video. I can not tell you how much is just from keeping the video in the digital domain (I use a Samsung DLP RPTV) over the better video board but there is a three dimensionality to images from the DV-50s via DVI out that is really impressive.

I would love to A-B the Linn 1.1, but don't want to pay that price for it.. I heard the Bel Canto Univ (I beleive the PL-1A) but it was in a system I didn't like so I won't coment on it (well, I will say it was at a store I HATE... seems the owner makes his own speakers, and voices every stereo to sound like his speakers, which to me are raspy as hell and intolerable but...).

FWIW I have had the DV-50s for a couple years, and still love it. the build quality is amazing, sound and picture are great.... I would love to have the EMM CDSD and DAC 6e, but let's face it, I bought a kitchen this year instead....
I have heard many times that one of the best universals for video quality in the Denon 2900, pretty reasonable priced also.
I bought a Denon DVD-3910 about 6 months ago, and have been very pleased with both the video and audio quality. "The Perfect Sound" magazine is also very high on the Denon 2910.
Check out www.hometheaterhifi.com. They rate the video performance of many DVD players. The Denon players consistently beat everybody. The Denon 5910 currently has the highest rating. Some of the results are suprising: some high-priced players may have great sound, but fail many of the video tests.