cost no object integrated amps

what are some cost no object  , no compromise super integrated amps that rivals separates. would love to hear some thoughts, ownership experience and which ones must be considered in the shopping list.may be in 30k to 60k price range
 some of them which come to my mind are

1. dan d'agostino momentum
2. audionet HUMBOLDT
3. soulution 530
4. dartzeel CTH-8550
5. ch precision I1
6. vitus SIA 30

feel free to add or suggest any other ones. or if someone can comment on each of these or rank in the order of preference with their reasoning.
Pilium from greece, they are top top notch...can be heard at bob rhapsody audio nyc. He has pilium dac 40k and it sounds better then other dacs 3x cost...but 29k 39k...i believe 
so far from what iam hearing is audionet humboldt seems to be top contender for cost no object it is cut out of the same dna of stern and heisenberg separates and looks like a great piece of engineering.
does somebody have thoughts and notes on how humboldt sounds compares to vitus or even grphon mephisto or CH separates.
does anyone here own audionet humboldt or has demoed or listened extensively and critically to it.
can someone describe the sonic characteristics or compare to any other amps they have listened or owned.
also if some one can pitch in on how it compares to MAX monoblocks with pre-g2 preamp combo
I absolutely don't agree regarding the Audionet Watt being close to the Humboldt.The Humboldt is in a complete different league, you get 90% of Stern-Heisenberg sound for a fraction of the cost with the Humboldt.The humboldt is uber transparent and ultra fast, you get a huge holographic soundstage, very solid bass and very smooth organic sound.It is not cold or analytical at all.IMO It is the world's best integrated up to msrp 50k period.Second place you have either the Vitus SIA-030 or the d'Agostino Momentum integrated.Third place you have CH Precision I1, Absolare integrated, and Aavik U-380.
Unless you have the budget for Stern-Heisenberg get the Humboldt.Watt and Max series is midfi compared to Stern-Heisenberg and Humboldt.Just my two cents.