Need more slam! Help!

Hi all,

For the most part I am very happy with my current system. I’m still pretty new at the hobby, been about 3 years or so but in that time I feel that I’ve been able to cobble together a pretty nice system.
I currently have a vpi prime scout with an ortofon 2m black cartridge running to a musical surroundings phonomena to a rogue rp1 preamp, to rogue st90 amp and concluding with vandersteen model 3 signatures. Audioquest diamond back interconnects and kimbercable speaker wire.

First, here’s what I love about my setup - huge soundstage, really open and three dimensional. And this is probably what I find most exciting in home audio reproduction, I love feeling as if I’m looking at the stage from the third row and can pick out where everyone is, truly magic to have that feeling from the living room couch. I am pleased with the speed and accuracy of my system, it feels very articulate and controlled.
Now for what I’m yearning for, basically just more omph. I want a lot more snap on a snare hit, I want to feel the music more in a physical sense. I guess you could describe this as a more “live” sound but that’s not exactly what I mean. I really just want some more slam. Where should I be targeting, thinking power amp? Thanks in advance!

the ideas about checking stylus rake angle and also bi - amping with class d below are great ideas i did not think of... but they may well help!

good luck
First and foremost it comes down to speakers and the drivers they are utilizing. I am not familiar with those speakers so cannot directly opine but I'd guess they are on the more polite side and there is not much slam you will achieve without replacing them.
Second, when I added more watts to my system, I got more slam. Not saying that would necessarily happen to yours, just sharing my experience.
Last, a subwoofer will definitely help with oomph, however the crack of a snare happens well outside of a subwoofer's range (low end bass) so that does not exactly correlate.
@sammyshapsThe earliest versions of the Rogue RP-1 had low gain and users were complaining about the anemic sound.  Later versions were in fact updated to 7db of gain.   Either way they do not sound dynamic or powerful.  

my linestage was the RH-5 headphone amp / linestage, not the RP-5.  
The RH-5 has adjustable gain of 3db, 12db and 16db. 
AT the 12db setting "slam" was very good.
as a follow-up the rogue stereo 90 is a decently dynamic, powerful tube amp, as is the stereo 100.  
making the change to a 200 WPC power amp (for example) will not yield much more slam and you will lose the charm and refinement that comes from a tube power amp.  
add "slam" through your preamp, preamp tubes and subwoofer.  
the REL subs are the only ones I have tried that do not blur the clarity of the midrange.  
I had the early Von Schweikert Vortex Screens that were a clone of the Vandersteen 2C in looks, BUT...had better dynamics.  Had them for 18 years and loved the sound.  Your speakers sound very nice but more live dynamics are not the strong point of the Vandersteen line.  The larger Tektons WILL give you the slam you're after.  The Moab at $4500 is a killer deal and you'll most likely have an eargasm from the jump factor.  I have had VMPS RM40 BCSE for about 8 years and other VMPS speakers prior to that and I obviously love the sound after hearing several other well reviewed speakers in my system.  If mine ever crap out, I will be going to the Moab's for their more live sound.  They put the fun back into music!
