Top loading CD Player clearances

I am currently considering replacement of my Transport/DAC combo with a One-Box digital front end.

I should preface this question by saying I prefer front loading players for my placement application, but there are a couple top loading players I would like to consider due to their capabilities, the front runner being the Reimyo. However, I have never owned a top loading CD player, and do not understand how much room is necessary on top of the units in order to open the door, comfortably insert or remove a CD, and close the door without difficulty.

Any comments about minimum space requirements above the unit in order to see and physically pull this action off without trouble/aggrevation would be appreciated. FYI, there is a shelf which cannot be removed located above the location where the unit must sit, but I have some latitude in how low the CDP can be placed below the shelf. If I go too low though, I start running out of adequate space for remaining components. Any advice in this regard would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
I own two cd transports that are top loaders.One is the Krell MD-1 and has an acrylic top cover that opens like the hood of a car for example.It requires at least 12 inches of space ,my other one is the Northstar M-192 and it uses a sliding door,so it requires about 6 inches and that's because of my hands trying to load/remove cd's.In general topp loaders should be placed on the top shelf,and that is what I do and I got them placed side by side on the top of my rack.I hope that my answer helps.
I have a Sony SCD 777es which has an opening mechenism similar to the Reimyo CDP. Since my main source is my turntable the Sony is relegated to the 2nd shelf. I have about eight inches between the top of the CDP and the bottom of the next shelf although I will be the first to admit I don't really need that much space.

For my CDP a minimum of four inches is doable without any real inconvience. Part of the issue too, could be how high or low the shelf is related to how tall you are, or you position when installing or removing the CD.
The Audio Aerp Capitole is a top loader with a sliding door. Very little room required to operate.