Scott, I know you said " I will not be buying a separate high pass filter at this time." But, I am a notorious PITA and have been using subs since 1976 in every conceivable configuration always trying to match them to one type of planar dipole or another. You can not attain the full benefit of subwoofers without an adjustable 2 way crossover that has a speaker delay function. Room control is a useful additional benefit.
Sometimes the best solution is just not attainable usually for financial reasons. This is always the case for me. This makes our systems evolutionary which is fun and we get to appreciate each additional improvement to the fullest extent. I always know what the next evolution is way ahead of time.
I find that people tend to use shortcut solutions in audio thinking that somehow they will come up with the ultimate solution (without spending a lot of money) I certainly have been guilty of this. But, relative to a dedicate subwoofer management system the other alternatives are seriously inferior. Certainly you may need to use one for the time being. But, know that if you are looking for the highest performance you will need to make the jump at some point by either getting a separate cross over like this switching to a preamp that has this function like this