Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!
" owners that have not put in the required time and steps to mold a great companion."

I don't think it's possible to mold or reasonable to try to mold a creature with it's own personality.

I have an understanding with my dog.

1. I put food out and water for her and when she's done with it she doesn't leave it in the house she found it in.

2. We play nice.

3. We listen to Pink Floyd Animals once a week(her insistence)

4. Uninvited intruders are fair game

5. We don't trust or like our neighbor

6. We both like chasing pussy

How could a dog not be mans best friend!

So under your twisted logic it isnt "possible" nor "reasonable" to train or "mold" your dog not to poop or piss in your home but rather outside. Your arguement didnt last very long. A dogs normal reaction is to poop or piss when it needs to yet I am confident your dog was trained to go outside to do it, so much so I bet it knows to hold it for a reasonable amount of time while your away eager to dump its load seconds after you take or put her out at times. So whats your next logical claim? I am looking forward to it!
My next logical claim would be to remind you after your last post Chad that I was just trying to lighten up with a little humor. It's common sense that a good pet is "trained" well and continuously.

My second logical claim is to remind you I made no inferance to harming any animals even in jest.

My third logical claim would be to remind you I wasn't personaly attacking you.

My fourth claim would be to of checked your email before you posted for my logical claim in response.

My fifth logical claim would be to ask you to chill out Chad. I'm not against you.

Sorry, Chad, but even though I'm a cat lover, I must admit that dogs are technically smarter. It is very unusual for a cat to obey any verbal command. I had a pair of exceptions, too. My wife would go out and yell at 'em in SPANISH and they'd come running. Understand Spanish? not a chance. Food? more likely.

Cats are, however, more critical than dogs. If you are judged 'worthy' of respect, you'll be OK. Dogs are pack animals and just follow the boss around.

Don't forget the rules::
Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.