Dear @newtoncr : With no ofense at all please forgeret of all those " professionals ".
The really one gentleman expert and professional with Lyra cartridges has a name and he is J.Carr its designer.
I know very well the V tonearm and I had there the Kleos and way before it the Helikon and always was a good match with Lyra cartridges and if your V is inside SME specs it must runs good with your cartridge.
Now, that you like it your cartridge at over the recommended VTF range could means that your cartridge/tonearm overall alignment/set up is not really accurated ( including VTA/SRA. ), or exist a tonearm trouble somewhere or the Lyra cartridge suspension is not rigth to Lyra specs.
There are no reasons for your Lyra can’t be enjoyed at the Lyra Vtf. range and no you don’t be using it at over 1.72grs. No matters what.
My advise is that you contact directly to J.Carr and follow his instructions about. Period.
Btw, for me it’s incredible that an Atlas owner send that top level cartridge to rebuilt/fix it with a re-tipper and not through Lyra directly. There are several reasons why don’t do that but each owner decides by him self. I’m only saying.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,